
4 Tips to Starting a Work Out Plan

Most Americans want to lose weight. Obesity has grown to epidemic proportions in the United States. Nearly one in 20 American adults is classified as “extremely obese,” two in three are either viewed as being overweight or obese. The problem extends to children and adolescents. Approximately one in six people between six and 19 years old is obese. So, if weight loss is something that interests you, you have lots of company.

Exercise is often viewed as a great way to approach weight loss. Most Americans do not get enough exercise. Less than 5% of us work out for at least 30 minutes a day as recommended. This is a global problem and inactivity is a leading cause of death. There are ways to ease into a work out regimen.

Tips for getting (back) into shape.

Before you get started on any weight loss programs
or exercise routines, you should consult a doctor and make sure you are not doing more harm than good. They may also recommend good physician supervised weight loss programs or weight loss centers. If you are really in need of serious weight loss, they may be the best places for you to get to your goal.

For most people, getting active is all that is needed to start losing weight. The benefits of starting and sticking with an exercise program go well beyond weight loss. Being in better shape brings a host of physical benefits from lowered risks of heart disease and diabetes to less back and joint pain. Even losing a few pounds makes a big difference in how much pressure you place on your knees.

Looking better is one benefit of weight loss and exercise but feeling better is a side effect that everyone can appreciate.

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