
A General Overview of the FUE Hair Transplant Option

By the age of 35, the overwhelming majority of men will experience mild, moderate, to sever hair loss. By the age of 50, 85% of men will have hair that has significantly thinned or a noticeable bald spot. This is no joke, and some studies show that hair loss can cause as much psychic pain as the death of a parent, a divorce, or loss of employment. Many of you have probably considered hair restoration but are hesitant. We’re betting it’s not the cost that deters you. We’re betting the cost of a hair transplant in your current state would be worth it to you, if only you knew that it worked.

Well, lucky for you, modern technology hasn’t just been making your phones smaller and your cars larger. Hair transplant surgery options have been advancing too, which is why we encourage you to look into FUE hair transplant.

1. What is FUE?
FUE stands for “follicular unit extraction.” It is only a minorly invasive surgery as far as hair transplant techniques go. Unlike traditional FUSS strip harvesting, FUE doesn’t simply remove a hair-baring skin graft from a host region of the body and split this up into individual units of hair. Instead, FUE uses a special tool to remove many groups of as small as one to as many as four hairs. Because of how much less invasive it is, FUE doesn’t leave large scars like FUSS procedures, What’s more, there’s a much shorter recovery time. By choosing FUE, you also greatly reduce your risk of surgical complications and increase your chances of being able to grow and cut the grafted hair in the future.

The cons of FUE are that the procedure is slower, and one can’t harvest too many hairs per office visit.

2. How much does an FUE hair transplant cost?
FUE hair transplant cost generally depends on how much hair you are moving from point A to scalp B. Depending on this amount and your projected number of office visits, the price can range from $4,000 to $15,000. In the end, even if you do a point by point comparison of FUE hair transplant cost to FUSS transplant cost and find that FUE might be more expensive for you, you’ll have to factor in the reduced risk and the lack of scarring you can expect with FUE. There’s a non-monetary benefit to that that should be part of the equation.

3. How do you know FUE is right for you?
Before making any real decisions on your hair transplant options, it’s important to set up a consultation with a hair specialist who has experience with multiple transplant methods. A doctor can assess your personal hair loss case and walk you through the risks in more detail than we can get into in this article. A doctor will also be able to give you more specific price quotes. So pick up the phone, call one up, and on the way to the office, think critically about how much a full head of hair is worth to you. The number might be higher than you anticipate.

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