
Are You Frustrated by Your Past Dieting Attempts?

The escalators weren’t working at the San Francisco public transportation station so the 32-year-old man, his wife, and two friends had to walk up the four flights of steps. He was embarrassed that he was winded after the short amount of exercise, and the embarrassment made him decide that it was time to make a change.
He got together with a couple of friends from work and began working out at a local YMCA. After a month of working out on a regular basis, he was invited me to join in on a ten person weight loss challenge. The person who lost the greatest percentage of their starting weight in the next three months would win. Each person put in $100 and the winner would get a $1,000.
The young man began counting calories, while at the same time trying to get enough protein to gain muscle. He was also lifting heavy weights, with the occasional jump roping session. Although he did not win the weight loss contest, he placed second. He did not win the prize money–he placed second by a mere two pounds–but he was thrilled with his weight loss.
He felt like a winner anyway since he had lost 36 pounds in three months. Following the contest, his plan was to stick with his new workout routine, continue to eat better so he could stay healthy. He was also going to try to gain some more muscle without gaining fat. He planned to continue his weight loss and eat healthy, but not miss out on the occasional treat.
Fast forward 12 months and the healthy now 33-year-old man was not doing as well. He had gained four of his lost pounds back in the first two weeks, and although he tried to keep with his exercise and eating plan, the pounds came back. He was again winded after short bursts of exercise, and he was more than frustrated by the fact that he had failed at the healthy eating plans and weight loss.
This young man’s story is not unique. Many Americans struggle with their weight. In fact, more than 33% of Americans are considered obese. Many of the people frustrated by their struggle decide to see a weight loss doctor and ask about medical advice. By simply using a search engine to look up “weight loss dr,” frustrated dieters can find many medical weight loss solutions, including:

Of all of these “weight loss dr” findings, the liposuction listings may be the most familiar. It is a popular weight loss strategy because a weight loss dr or a plastic surgeon can target a very specific area. Many people, for example, want to lose weight from their stomach, arms, chest, hips, and thighs. Although liposuction should not be considered a substitute for proper eating and exercise, it does produce immediate results. To be considered for the liposuction procedure, the patient must be at lest 18 years old, already be practicing a healthy diet and exercise program, and have areas of fatty tissue to be removed.
Another popular medical weight loss program is the HCG procedure. A weight loss dr will inject this hormone which is intended to do two things, suppress hunger and trigger the body’s use of fat. Most of the HCG diet plans are very strict. In fact, they restrict dieters to a mere 500 calories per day, most of which need to come from organic, unprocessed foods. Similar to liposuction in its ability to get fast results, the HCG diet is intended to help a patient lose several pounds a day. Additionally, the hormones are to reset the patient’s metabolism.
Whether you are looking at liposuction, HCG injections, or another medical weight loss approach, the most honest weight loss dr will tell every patient the same thing. Just as if you diet and exercise to lose weight, a medical weight loss procedure will produce results, but those results will be eliminated if healthy eating and exercise are not a part of the patient’s overall maintenance plan.

Are you committed to losing weight? If so, a medical weight loss plan may be your answer.

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