
Are You Looking for a Wider Client Base? Coaching for Chiropractors May Help

Although most Americans report suffering from lower back pain, the rates of surgical procedures vary widely depending on the treatment that patients choose to seek. About 40% of patients with low back pain who chose to consult with a surgeon first wind up having back surgery, experts report, while a startlingly low 1.5% of those who consulted with a chiropractor first end up having surgery for their backs.

Chiropractors treat a wide variety of health problems related primarily to muscles, bones, and nerves. Sometimes they may physically adjust bones that are out of alignment or they may use low-level electric therapy to restore function to nerves, ligaments, and tendons. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate the spine and neck: patients are advised to only allow trained practitioners to make spinal adjustments.

There are over 40,000 chiropractors in the United States, and often they want to do outreach to educate patients about proper muscle and bone care, the risks of a sedentary lifestyle, and other issues that can affect lower back and neck health. Marketing campaign management for chiropractors who wish to expand their practices may include in-person demonstrations and sometimes internet advertising.

Considering that many chiropractors are self-employed and may want to focus more on patient care than on outreach, chiropractic consulting firms are often able to help a small chiropractic practice expand their customer base. Training for chiropractors who want to expand their appeal may include coaching on public speaking and setting up some appointments where the doctors can discuss the services they provide with potential patients.

Time management for chiropractors who want to expand and to reach more people is essential. With the field expected to grow up to 15% in the next several years, faster than any other profession, demand for chiropractic marketing ideas that are cost-effective and that do not take away time from patient care is on the rise. Chiropractic coaching programs may include the recommendation that practitioners set aside some time, either weekly or monthly, to focus on growing their businesses and on attracting new clients.

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