Are you concerned about the way you look? Do you want to tighten your skin and get natural results that provide rejuvenating freshness to your skin and body? Here are some of the best body procedures out there if you really care about the way you look.
Breast Augmentation
This was the most popular type of plastic surgery performed in 2016 for people between the ages of 20 and 29. There were over 290,000 procedures performed. This can make you feel a lot better about the way you look as you improve the balance of your breast and hip contours, enhance your self-confidence, and restore volume you’ve lost after pregnancy or weight loss.
Chemical Peels Are you concerned about the way you look? Do you want to tighten your skin and get natural results that provide rejuvenating freshness to your skin and body? Here are some of the best body procedures out there if you really care about the way you look.
Breast Augmentation
This was the most popular type of plastic surgery performed in 2016 for people between the ages of 20 and 29. There were over 290,000 procedures performed. This can make you feel a lot better about the way you look as you improve the balance of your breast and hip contours, enhance your self-confidence, and restore volume you’ve lost after pregnancy or weight loss.
Chemical Peels Skin Tightening Without Surgery
These are non-surgical procedures that can make you feel a lot better about the way you look. Lasers target energy that heats layers of skin deep down, which stimulates the skin’s natural production of elastin and collagen. This will improve the texture and tone of your skin over time, and is useful especially for those who are experiencing sagging skin due to the natural effects of aging. There is a very low risk of side effects with this procedure when it’s done by a qualified body procedures expert. The results can last up to a year and are performed in your doctor’s office in an hour or less. This sort of procedure is up 9% in popularity this year.
Tummy Tuck
One of the natural effects of growing older, and one which can really affect the way you look, is a sagging stomach. Carrying excess fat, even if you later lose the fat, can weaken muscles and cause your stomach to sag. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and restores the muscles for a more youthful and toned look. While this surgical procedure is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, it can complement them in cases where diet and exercise alone are not enough to get the stomach you want. This is also a safe procedure, with nearly 130,000 of them performed in 2017 alone.
This procedure improves the way you look by reshaping specific parts of the body and removing excessive fat. It is often used to treat excessive fat in the thighs, hips, and buttocks, as well as the upper arms, back, chest, cheek, neck, and even calves and ankles. While it’s not a substitute for exercise and a good diet and doesn’t work as a treatment for obesity, it can improve the look of a body that’s already in process of re-shaping due to healthy eating and dieting habits. In 2017 there were more than 246,000 liposuctions performed in the United States.
If you are concerned about the way you look, you don’t have to just live with it. You can get natural results you’ll be pleased with. Contact your plastic surgeon and find out what options there are to help you feel good about the way you look.