
Pros and Cons of E Cigs

If you smoke cigarettes, you may have heard of the recent craze involving e cigarettes. These devices have actually been around since the 1960s, but they didn’t really get popular until about 10 years ago. Today, there are over 250 brands of e cigs, or vape pens, available. If you want to know more about the hyper-dedicated subculture that has emerged in response to e cigs, you should consult a vaping shop. These places sell high quality e liquid, and the people there are known as the vaping community. They are considered the most knowledgeable in the industry about how to begin vaping and what the best and latest products are.

As of 2011, one in five adults in the United States who were regular smokers had tried e cigarettes, and lots of them even switched permanently. Sales of e cigs increased from 50,000 in 2008 to 3.5 million in 2012, and today the industry continues to thrive as people tell friends about the benefits of smoking e cigarettes. Before you take part in this new trend, you should learn something about it though, because there are some potential risks that accompany smoking vape pens. If you aren’t quite ready to go to a vape shop, but you want to learn more info, keep reading to learn some of the most important pros and cons of using e cig vaporizers.

Pros of e cig nicotine liquid

Cons of e cig nicotine liquid

What are your thoughts on e cig nicotine liquids? Would you recommend them to a friend who is trying to quit smoking? If you have any experience using electronic cigarette products or you just want to offer some advice on the best vapor liquid flavors, please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

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