
Vitamins and You Why You Should Take a Look at Your Diet and See What You are Missing

Over the course of human history there have always been shifting standards for what composes a healthy diet. Thanks to modern science and medicine, we now have a more accurate picture of what a healthy body needs and how best to achieve that; unfortunately despite this wealth of information, many Americans are unable to fulfill their dietary requirements every day — this battle is made even more challenging thanks to the rise of fast food culture and junk food aisles. With a proper diet, regular exercise, and a little bit of help from multivitamins, everyone can achieve a healthy lifestyle by ensuring that all the body’s needs are met.

For Your Health

Since the 1940s multivitamin supplements have been a regular product in the American dietary world. To this day multivitamins remain a popular dietary supplement with more than a third of all Americans regularly taking such supplements to promote increase health and wellness. Many people decide to first consult with a doctor to determine which vitamins are right for them; there are a number of different products available on the market that are customized for particular individuals including multivitamin for children, adults, and seniors. Anti aging multivitamins are particularly popular for those who wish to decrease wrinkles while promoting wellness; there is also evidence that these vitamins can strengthen one’s immune system as well.

Natural Vitamins and Supplements for Your Diet

Our modern society allows us to get everything we need from the store rather than through hunting and gathering as our ancestors once did — this means that we are able to pursue new dietary routes including vegetarian and vegan diets. A recently-released “Vegetarianism in America” study found that 3.2% of U.S. adults (which is approximately 7.3 million people) follow a vegetarian-based diet; it was also found that around .5% or 1 million Americans are vegans who consume no animal products whatsoever. While there are clear ethical, religious, or medical reasons to pursue a vegetarian diet, one of the biggest challenges for these individuals is the lack of protein and other nutrients in their diets. Products such as vegan protein shake mixes and whole food multivitamin powder help alleviate this issue by providing the dietary supplements needed to continue a plant-based diet while ensuring optimal health.

Finding a Multivitamin for Children

The earliest years of life are also the most developmentally significant years; for this reason many parents and doctors recommend providing a multivitamin for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that exclusively and partially breastfed infants receive supplements of 400 IU/day of vitamin D shortly after birth until the infant is weaned. Another recommendation from the Institute of Medicine as a part of the National Academy of Sciences recommends that children receive 1,300 milligrams of calcium per day to promote healthy teeth and bone development. With the tidal wave of junk food that lines store shelves across the country it is no surprise to learn that children are not getting the nutritional supplements they should from their diets alone. By finding a multivitamin for children that is approved by their pediatrician, parents can rest easy knowing that their children are receiving everything they need every day.

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