
What To Know About Visiting a Health Clinic

If you are feeling sick, you should visit a doctor or a health clinic. A lot has changed with health clinics because of covid-19, so there are some things you should know. Keep reading to learn what you can expect when you visit a health clinic.

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Before your appointment, you’ll be contacted and asked a few questions to find out if you have any symptoms of covid-19 like a fever, cough, loss of taste, or loss of smell. If you have any symptoms, you will not be able to visit the health clinic and will be directed elsewhere like a hospital.

Space in waiting rooms is limited due to social distancing, so arrive at the clinic as close to your appointment time as possible to avoid waiting around other patience. If possible, wait in your car outside until five minutes before your appointment. When it’s time to go in, make sure you wear your face mask.

Keeping your hands clean is more important than ever so you will be asked to clean your hands with sanitizing hand gel when you enter the building and when you leave. hand sanitizer will be provided, so you don’t need to worry about bringing your own.

To learn more, watch the video above!


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