
5 Ways to Detox After the Holidays

Has the holiday season left you feeling a little… over-indulged? You’re not alone. Luckily, the new year is a perfect time to set new goals for a better, healthier lifestyle. One of the best ways to kick off your new attitude is with a healthy detoxification to get the last remnants of those sugar cookies and champagne toasts out of your system. Here are five ways to jumpstart your metabolic health in the new year.

  1. Drink More Water
    It’s probably a tip you hear time and again, but have you really taken it to heart? Be sure to drink at least 64 ounces of fluid a day, preferably in the form of pure, unadulterated water. You don’t need anything fancy!
  2. Diversify Your Exercise
    Exercise is almost always on everyone’s new year resolutions list, but too often we try the same things over and over again — and fail to stick with them by the time the season’s over. Try something different: If you usually run, try a kickboxing class. If you’re more into weights, stretch out with yoga instead.
  3. Take Detox Supplements
    After a long and indulgent holiday, we sometimes need a little bit of help to get the gears in motion, so to speak. Probiotic detox supplements to improve digestion can help you get your eating back on track and might support prostate cellular health, too.
  4. Eat More Healthy Food
    Sometimes, a diet isn’t about what you take out, it’s what you add in. Make a vow to eat more fruits and vegetables at every meal.
  5. Try a Bath
    There’s a lot to be said for a nice long soak, especially during these cold and dry winter months. Your skin will love the replenishment from an herb bath or a sugar scrub exfoliation. Add some soft music for extra realxation time!

This year, help your resolutions stick by committing to yourself. Don’t look at what everyone else is doing; focus on how you can devote more and better quality self-care to address your own needs. With a quick new year detox, you can start the year off on the right foot and help make 2017 your greatest year yet. Good references here. More like this article.

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