Heart health is an issue many Americans are familiar with, in one way or another.
An abundance of sedentary lifestyles and a lack of awareness about good dieting has cemented the United States as having among the highest rates of heart disease. Perhaps the most frustrating element about this debilitating issue is just how easily it can be prevented with a few lifestyle changes. High blood pressure can be mitigated with therapy and exercise, while a more healthy diet can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol that leads to clots. Little by little, it’s more than possible to create good heart health to last the rest of your life.
A cardiologist can steer you in the right direction and offer you the means of keeping heart disease at bay. Here are some general tips to get you started, from the impact genetics can leave to good diet choices.
Exercise Two To Three Times Per Week
When we exercise our body is given the tools it needs to build itself up. Our immune systems get stronger, our muscles get tougher, and our digestive system runs more smoothly. We also release important chemicals that keep our mood in good spirits. Many Americans today don’t get their daily or weekly recommended amount of exercise, putting them at a high probability of developing early heart disease. Jogging or swinging by the gym a few times per week for short sessions will go a long way in reversing this.
Reduce Your Stress On A Daily Basis
Chronic stress is one of today’s most stealthy killers. While a little bit of stress is perfectly normal — it’s our body’s way of heightening awareness and sharpening our senses — too much can put you in a bad spot. While our feel-good chemicals (endorphins, dopamine, etc) help elevate our mood, a constant output of cortisol can leave you sick and fatigued. It’s small, daily actions that can offset this and help you stay healthy. You can try knitting for an hour every night, taking quick dip in the pool, or watching a relaxing movie.
Cultivate A More Healthy Diet
Your diet has a huge impact on your risk for heart disease. Consuming too many fatty acids, sugars, oils, starch, and caffeine can put stress on your heart and create high levels of bad cholesterol. It’s estimated over 600,000 Americans die of heart disease every single year. Today one of the most valuable tools in treating heart disease is cardiac catheterization, able to both diagnose and reverse the effects of this condition. It’s recommended you drink six to eight glasses of water per day, alongside a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and general protein.
Check Your Other Health Issues Early
Other health issues can increase your stress, contributing to a steady decline of your heart’s overall health. Heart services can be paired with diagnostic imaging for cancer screening or a birthing center for consultation. A woman living in the United States has a one out of eight chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer, making this one issue you shouldn’t overlook by any means. Just about any condition is best treated when spotted early. Meeting with a professional about your osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) can indirectly keep your heart from getting worse.
Meet With A Cardiologist Next Year
Significant progress doesn’t happen in a day. Meeting with a cardiologist is a solid first step in analyzing your lifestyle habits and figuring out what needs to be adjusted. It’s recommended you bring along as much of your family history as possible, too, so they can look for possible hereditary links concerning strokes and heart attack. It’s a lot of little things that go into heart disease, but fortunately, it’s a lot of little things that go into preventing it, too. Together you and your cardiologist can create a diet, exercise, and de-stress plan to keep you as healthy as possible.
Give yourself the best possible chance at living a long, healthy life. Reach out to a maternity center or heart hospital and ask to see a cardiologist.