Back pain is one of the most common yet annoying problems as you grow. However, you can get rid of your pain by going to a family chiropractor and getting doctor’s note for back pain. Learn more about the lower back pain location chart and get more information about how to prevent future back problems.
How to Prevent Back Pain
Most people present hip and back pain after losing weight. However, you can get back pain from an injury or from years of bad posture. A good posture and doing daily exercises can prevent future back problems. It’s best to keep a healthy lifestyle relating to the lower back and avoid future issues.
How to Calm Back Pain
Applying ice packs and a pill can stop the pain momentarily. However, you should go to the chiropractor and let them analyze you to prevent the pain from becoming a concerning threat. Trust the expertise of a local chiropractor and forget about suffering from back pain.
Back pains are annoying and can become a health issue if you aren’t careful enough. Go to the nearest chiropractor as soon as you notice mild back pain.
The human race is the product of millions of years of evolution, and the human form is uniquely shaped for bipedal movement. Our early primate ancestors gave up their tree-bound vegetarian lifestyle in favor of running on two legs to hunt wild game. This means a skeleton with an S-shaped spine, an upright pelvic bone, long and hard leg bones, and arched feet for a lifetime of walking upright. But while walking upright like this gave humanity many advantages, walking upright like that means fighting gravity quite acutely, and that will take a physical toll on the body. Even today, many millions of people suffer from chronic back pain, and back pain, hip pain, or knee or ankle pain must be dealt with. Fortunately, only serious cases of back pain or injury call for surgery, and most cases can be handled non invasive rehab tools and systems such as chiropractic adjusting instruments and automatic strength tests. Some of these chiropractic adjusting instruments can be used in a chiropractor’s office, as the name suggests, or perhaps in a hospital, among other physical therapy equipment.
Why Back Pain May Happen
Many studies and surveys are done every year to track the current state of public American health, and this certainly includes back pain and spinal distress, among other joint pain issues. After all, chronic back pain ranks second among all reasons why Americans visit their doctor, behind only upper respiratory issues. According to those studies, around 31 million Americans are suffering from lower back pain at any given time, and around one in three women and one in four men are affected somehow. Experts also say that 80% of the population will experience back pain symptoms at some point in their lives, and 50% of all working class Americans admit to getting back pain symptoms every year. Back pain may be especially common among the elderly and working class Americans.
What is causing all of this back pain? A variety of causes have been identified, such as working for years at hard manual labor jobs, such as construction work. Performing this work stresses the body, including the spine and back muscles, so naturally, back pain may develop sooner or later. Getting into an auto accident or suffering a sports injury can also distress the back and cause pain, which may be addressed with physical therapy at a hospital. Many surveyed Americans also blame ongoing stress for their back pain, and a pregnant woman may experience back pain during their pregnancy. Also, simple old age can often cause back pain, since many years of being upright and fighting gravity means a person’s spine will bend forwards and collapse somewhat. This will pinch nerves, reduce flexibility, and strain muscles, causing chronic pain.
Chiropractic Adjusting Instruments and Other Solutions
As mentioned earlier, only serious cases of spinal or back injuries call for invasive surgery or medicine, while other cases can be handled externally. Often, Americans will visit their doctor and explain their back pain problems, and that patient may then be referred to a chiropractor or a yoga expert for help. A chiropractor can use their bare hands and chiropractic adjusting instruments to adjust a patient’s bones and muscles without breaking the skin, and doing this may relieve pressure on nerves and joints, as well as loosen up the muscles. This can clear up pain and restore the patient’s flexibility, and a patient may get similar results when they perform stretches and poses with a yoga expert to guide them.
A hospital patient may undergo physical therapy, or PT, with the help of a therapist. Such a patient will perform various exercises and practice their movements to restore their strength, balance, and arcs of motion, and the therapist may ask the patient to stretch out cords or elastic bands to test the patient’s current strength and maximum arcs of motion. The therapist can also track the patient’s movements with motion capture cameras, and study the data on a computer. Finally, handheld muscle testing devices can be used on any part of the patient’s body while they exercise, to test muscle strength in any given area of the patient’s body. This, too, is a non invasive procedure.