If you nearly always have lower back pain but wish to avoid potentially habit-forming, liver-damaging prescription or over-the-counter pain medications, a few simple stretching exercises may provide relief. Advances in lower back pain treatment have provided faster, more accurate diagnoses, allowing doctors, physiotherapists, and chiropractors to assist patients with non-opioid, nonsurgical pain relief, including for arthritis pain in lower back treatment.
About Back Pain
Lower back pain treatment without the use of imaging, opioid medications, or surgery results in a swifter, ongoing pain reduction; lowers healthcare costs and prevents patients from developing addictions, kidney and liver damage, and death due to overdose.

Prevalence of Back and Waist Pain
Up to 85% of the United States population experiences back pain. Additionally, it serves as the leading cause of disability worldwide as of 2017. Slightly more women than men seek treatment for back pain, often during late-stage pregnancy.
Lower Back Pain Treatment
Evidence-based medicine supports stretching and strengthening core body muscles and using muscle-releasing techniques as the most effective treatments for patients who always have lower back pain. Consequently, if you seek arthritis pain in lower back treatment, schedule a visual and manual examination before pursuing more expensive diagnostic methods and treatments.

Across the United States, millions of Americans struggle with aches and pains that are caused by stress, injury, strenuous activity, and other common occurrences. Of these, back pain is especially common. Fortunately, physical therapy programs are becoming a popular method of treating these ailments, with everything from local doctors offices to urgent care centers offering the service to their patients. But while physical therapy should always be prescribed by a doctor, there are a few simple physical therapy exercises everyone can try to reduce their common aches, especially when it comes to back pain. Read on to learn about some easy physical therapy exercises you can try at home!
The Piriformis Muscle Stretching Exercise
The piriformis muscle runs from the back of your thigh to the base of the spine. As a result, it has been linked to sacroiliac joint dysfunction, defined as joint pain in the lower back or leg, and even symptoms comparable to sciatica. To stretch the piriformis, you should lie on your back and cross your pained leg over the other. Bending both knees, you should then place your hands together underneath the lower leg and gently pull your knees towards your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds, relax, and then repeat. Try these physical therapy exercises one or two times per day as necessary.

The Psoas Major Muscle Stretching Exercise
The Psoas Major muscle is attached to the front section of the lower spine, limiting lower back mobility when tight. To loosen this muscle, try kneeling on one knee and rolling one leg outward to tighten the gluteal muscles on the side you’re stretching. Then, lean forward through the hip joint rather than the spine so that you feel it in the front of your hip. Hold this position for 30 seconds, relax, and then repeat. Try this one or two times per day as necessary.
The Hamstring Muscle Stretching Exercise
The hamstring runs from the pelvic bone to just below the back of the knee. This muscle is extremely important, as it makes it possible to sit up straight, preventing a number of problems connected to bad posture. To stretch this muscle, lay on your back and grasp your leg behind the knee with your hip flexed to 90 degrees and your leg slightly bent. Attempt to straighten your knee with your toes pointed back towards your body. Hold the position for 30 seconds, relax, and then repeat. Try this one or two times per day as necessary.
Consistent pain can be a serious problem, and physical therapy exercises should always be prescribed and instructed by a trained therapist. If you have questions about physical therapy exercises or chronic discomfort, seek out a licensed therapist at a local urgent care clinic or other medical office for advice.