They say one of the most significant points in our evolutionary history was when we began to walk upright. While we would have to agree, sometimes it feels likewe haven’t yet mastered the whole walking thing. If I had a dollar for every time I went to my ankle and foot doctor, I’d probably have as much money as, well…my ankle and foot doctor. The bottom line is, feet are delicate, tricky mechanisms that harbor over 25% of the bones in our entire bodies! It’s really important to take care of them so that we can avoid injuries to the ankle, plantar warts, athlete’s foot symptoms, and the dreaded ingrown toenail. Below are five foot care tips that should help you avoid an ankle and foot doctor near you (but please, if anything below the shin is giving you trouble, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your local podiatrist as soon as possible)!
1. Keep your toenails trimmed (but not too trimmed)! This is a biggie that we often overlook or over-do. When you trim your toenails too short or at a funny angle, this increases the risk of the sides of the nail growing down into the soft tissue of your toe, which can cause pain, swelling, and infection. Something like one fifth of patients who show up at the foot doctor present for ingrown toenails, so you are taking a huge preventative step by simply paying attention to how you work that nail clipper!
2. Invest in breathable socks and footware. Buy cotton or athletic socks whenever possible, and make sure to keep your feet clean and dry to avoid athlete’s foot or other bothersome fungal infections. It’s always a good idea after a workout to take the time to wash your feet, for example, even if you don’t have time for a full shower. Speaking of workouts…
3. Watch your exercise routine for good form. It’s very important to be intentional about your form during a work-out, especially if you’re into the high-intensity interval training made popular by Sean T and Jillian Michaels. Although these workouts are good for your general health and cardiovascular system, you are putting up to 2.75 times your body weight’s worth of pressure on your foot while you do them–with every step! Listen to your body and if you feel like they’re putting unecessary strain on your joints or your ankle, try to find a modification that accomidates you.
4. Buy a good pair of insoles. Insoles, without a doubt, can change your life, especially if you work long hours standing up. Often shoes do not have adequate arch or heel support, but a pair of gel or air insoles can bolster support in just about any shoe and keep you comfortable and safe all day. Insoles can help you avoid shin splints, stress fractures, and chronic pain in the legs and back. Finally and perhaps most importantly…
5. Wear shoes that fit. This last one might seem obvious, but a ridiculous amount of people will sacrifice comfort in the name of a pretty shoe. Shoes that are narrow around the toes are particularly bad for your feet and circulation, and should probably be bought sparingly. Finally, make sure that any shoe you’re buying has adequate ankle support, or that you’re at least concious of it’s shortcomings.
We hope these tips are of use to you. Make sure to comment below with any good shoe (or doctor) recommendations!