When our girls were little we had no problem making sure we were active. As parents of tow young children four years apart in age, we were always on the move. Taking them on bike rides and walks to our neighborhood park on a daily basis insured that we were getting exercise without really concentrating on our health and fitness. As the parents of two freshmen–one in high school, and one in college–our life has slowed considerably in many ways. While we might still be hustling around to get to their activities, our travel to and from these events is usually by car or by plane, not be foot. And when we arrive, instead of being active participants in their events we are now mostly spectators. Spectators with a great camera with a powerful lens and the accompanying video camera, but spectators none the less. Our recent activity level might be leading to decreased muscle and decreased strength for both of us.
In addition to concerns about a less active life leading to a less healthy physical life being a concern of men well past the age of 30, some of these same men might be dealing with the symptoms of low testosterone levels. For example:
–increased body fat,
–decreased energy,
–increased fatigue,
–decreased muscle mass,
Although testosterone levels peak at age 30 and decrease each following year by as much as one to two percent, most men to not investigate the advantages for seeking treatment for this condition. In fact, nearly 90% of low testosterone cases go untreated. If these same men realized, however, that testosterone may also play a role in how long they live, they might be more diligent about seeking treatment. Recent studies, according to a well known doctor, clearly show a link between low testosterone and shorter life expectancy. In fact, men with low testosterone levels have a 33 percent greater risk of death in their next 18 years of life compared to who have higher levels of testosterone. If husbands and their spouses understood that low testosterone levels can shorten their time together and with their children, they might be more likely to consult a physician.
When you make the decision to seek medical advice, you might also consider asking the following questions:
–Does low testosterone effect focus?
–Does low testosterone effect my concentration?
–Does low testosterone effect my mood?
–Does low testosterone effect my sex life?
–Does low testosterone effect my sleep?
–Does low testosterone effect my strength?
–Does low testosterone effect weight gain?
Finding out the answers to these questions might make men of all ages past 30 realize that they could be doing more to lead a more healthy, productive and enjoyable life. Paying attention now in an attempt to avoid decreased muscle strength and the other effects of the symptoms of low testosterone will make you more productive in the future. After all, before you know it you might be having young grandchildren who will require your increased energy to take THEM to the park on a daily basis!