There are millions of people throughout the world living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Recent worldwide figures indicate that there are 35.6 million people with dementia, and over 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that by 2050, there will be 16 million more Americans learning how to cope with this disease.
While there are more than 100 types of dementia, Alzheimer’s is the most common. In the United States, it affects 1 in 8 people over 65. Women develop Alzheimer’s more often than men, however, and they comprise nearly 2/3 of all Alzheimer’s patients in the United States.
While some individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia are able to remain at home with the assistance of in-home support services, others require more care. This can be provided by nursing homes, residential care facilities, and/or assisted living placements.
Recent figures indicate that 64% of nursing home residents 65 and older have Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia. In 2010, for example, residential care facilities provided daily living assistance to 40% of their residents. This usually involved 3 or more activities, which likely included receiving help with getting dressed, bathing, mobility, and housekeeping.
Assisted living facilities also provide memory care services to those that are living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. When individuals are in the early stages, they may be able to live more independently. However, as the disease progresses, they may require additional assistance.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, memory care units, which are also referred to as special care units, are specifically designed to address a variety of needs. In some cases, these units may be locked, while in others, they may be grouped together in a larger facility so that these individuals can receive proper care and supervision.
It’s important to note that memory care services are specifically designed to ensure that people suffering with Alzheimer’s and dementia receive individualized care. This includes keeping them from wandering, ensuring that they eat healthy meals, and providing activities to enrich their daily lives.
Unfortunately, there is currently no known cure for Alzheimer’s. Since this disease can’t be prevented, receiving supportive services can make a difference in the lives of those living with Alzheimer’s.