It’s common to think of tooth health or heart health when we think of long-term maintenance. We brush and floss our teeth. We eat good food and exercise to keep our heart pumping strong. When it comes to eye health, however, the answer isn’t quite as clear. How do you take care of your vision? How about when your vision starts to actively deteriorate? LASIK surgery is a resource you can use when glasses aren’t working and you’re in need of a little extra help to keep your vision intact. Corrective eye surgery is done for people all across the world and has only gotten better with time.
Laser eye surgery can be a nervewracking process, however. Learn more about LASIK and how you could potentially benefit.
What Is Eye Health?
Your eyes need to be taken care of if they’re to remain sturdy over the years. Age is the most common contributor to degenerative eyesight, though other factors such as genetics and injuries also play a factor. You can affect the quality of your eyesight through your day-to-day actions, such as sitting in front of the computer or working in extremely bright facilities. Checking with the eye doctor on a semi-regular basis, particularly if you wear glasses, is also paramount to maintain your eye health.
What Is Glaucoma?
A degenerative disease, glaucoma is a major cause of blindness in the United States. It accounts for nearly 12% of all lost eyesight and, according to the World Health Organization, it’s the second leading cause of partial or total blindness on the planet. The Glaucoma Research Foundation recently conducted a survey involving 1,000 people — over 75% of respondents said they get their eyes examined every two years. Cataract and refractive surgery is necessary when glaucoma reaches a certain stage.
What Is LASIK?
It’s scary being faced with the reality of developing glaucoma. Glaucoma treatment, however, has improved significantly over the past few decades. The year 2015 saw over 20 million LASIK eye surgery procedures conducted around the world, with nearly 600,000 completed in the United States alone. Half of all Americans by the age of 80 will have either developed a cataract or had cataract surgery performed.
What Is The Success Rate?
You’ll be glad to know that LASIK surgery has never been better. The success rate of cataract surgery is at a solid 98%. A cataract can also occur in one or both eyes, but it is unable to ‘spread’ from one eye to the other. According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, it’s thought as many as three million Americans have the condition but only have know they actually have it. This is why it’s important to become familiar with the early signs of glaucoma so you can determine whether or not you need the aid of a laser eye surgeon.
Do I Qualify For Eye Surgery?
How do you know you have glaucoma? Blurred vision and eye pain are some of the most distinct side-effects, though the only way to know for sure is to see an eye specialist who can properly diagnose you. Vision correction comes with many different types of eye surgery to ensure you’re getting the specialized treatment that suits your unique situation. Glaucoma may be volatile, but the medical industry is more than equipped to help. Check with your regular doctor today and see if you qualify for LASIK eye surgery.