Over the past twenty years, the culture in the United States has managed to shift in a way that has changed how many people view themselves and their surroundings. A perfect example of this change can be represented by men’s fashion. Not too long ago it was viewed as odd for a man to be seriously interested in fashion whereas now more men than ever before not only are interested in fashion but want to work in fashion as well.
Another huge change that has come from this shift in culture involves the relaxation spot referred to by many as a spa. The spa is a hot spot for many people in 2017, and it has managed to grow in popularity over the past ten years. People want to visit a spa more and more often because they want to relax. Here is what everyone should know about visiting a spa.
Some people may think about visiting a spa and may ask the question, why go to a spa? The answer is quite simple actually, and it involves pure bliss from a moment of relaxation. Many people are working all day and then when they come home from work they have to deal with their responsibilities away from work which does not give them a whole lot of time to relax. So a day away from these responsibilities at the spa is something that many people need.
In 2016, more than 179 million Americans visited a spa because they wanted to increase their focus on their wellness. Health benefits can come from visiting a sauna as well as having the heart rate increase from 100 beats a minute to 150 beats a minute. It also helps people sweat out colds or illnesses.
In Finland, a study was conducted that involved participants that visited a sauna two to three times a week. These people that went to visit a sauna at the most three times a week were 22% less likely to experience any sort of sudden cardiac death as opposed to someone who only used it once a week. It has been proven as well that a sauna can help with weight loss and that a 20-minute session can help burn over 500 calories at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit.
Visiting a spa can also help reduce stress which is important for the health of many people. Stress has been linked to six leading causes of death which include suicide, accidents, liver cirrhosis, cancer, and even heart disease. Keep in mind that over 40% of all adults in the United States deal with the effects of stress and this can be incredibly dangerous to their overall health.
A survey was conducted in 2014 that yielded some interesting results. First and foremost this survey discovered that 91$ of all people view a massage as something that brings benefits to their health and wellness. This survey also revealed that 21% of all people who recently received a massage got their massage at a spa, which allows people to get involved in two activities at once that helps calm stress.
A survey was conducted with the help of the American Massage Therapy Association. This survey revealed that 72% of all individuals claim that their primary reason for receiving a massage in the previous 12 months was medical or stress related. Also, a 2017 survey revealed that in spring 2017 over 17 million people said they used services at a day spa within the last 12 months in the United States.
In Conclusion
Visiting a spa is one of the easiest ways for many Americans to relieve stress while also helping to improve their overall well-being. Other forms of stress relief come in the form of alcohol or narcots and these can actually bring forth health risk and dangers as opposed to helping at all. It is important for people in the United States to seek out the right type of help for their stress. That way, they can reduce their stress while also taking care of their health and body.