Teeth Grinding, Migraines And Anxiety Signs You May Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorder center south bend

After a long day’s work, all you want is a good night’s sleep. When you struggle with sleep apnea, migraines or insomnia…it can feel almost impossible. When you’re suffering from concentration issues and fatigue in a neverending cycle, it’s time to use modern technology and get the sleep you deserve. Migraine headache treatment and sleep apnea therapy are but a few of the resources you can turn to in order to diagnose the problem and reverse the side-effects that have been hounding your every step.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Let’s start off with a rather common issue that often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in modern Americans. Studies have shown sleep apnea is prevalent in as many as 18 million Americans across the country — statistics have even shown one in every 15 Americans, or 6% of the population, are struggling with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea symptoms include constantly waking up throughout the night, having difficulties with obtaining a steady REM cycle, constant snoring and hints of insomnia or disturbed sleep cycles. An average night’s sleep for a sleep apnea sufferer might experience as many as 60 apneas per hour.

What Are Migraines?

Worried you have migraines? You may need to seek out migraine headache treatment. Migraines are notorious for the moderate to severe pain they cause, disrupting even minor day-to-day activities and making sleep feel all but impossible. Nearly 10 million people in the United States will use prescription sleep aids to put a dent in their symptoms and receive a restful night’s sleep. Chronic facial pain treatment or a snoring treatment can do wonders alongside a migraine headache treatment.

What Is Insomnia?

If you find yourself staying awake instead of falling asleep, you may just have a case of insomnia that’s yet to be treated. Studies have shown more than 30% of the population suffers from various forms of insomnia, with one in three people expected to experience the condition sometime during their lifetime. Insomnia is caused by a variety of different factors, including but not limited to genetic disorders, constant stress or physical illness.

What Is Anxiety?

You may find that untreated anxiety or depression could be causing your symptoms of insomnia, sleep apnea or ongoing migraines. More than half of all Americans find themselves losing sleep due to unchecked anxiety and stress. Another 90% of people who suffer from depression will also experience chronic insomnia. Chronic anxiety disorder is characterized by heart palpitations, sweating palms, nausea, racing thoughts, disturbed sleep cycles, teeth grinding and a reduced immune system, among others. Depression is characterized by hopelessness, fatigue, lethargy, disinterest and troubled sleeping.

How Can I Get Treatment?

Sleep is necessary for your body to repair itself and remain healthy. Without it you run the risk of increased illness, reduced immune system and even long-term issues like heart disease and stroke. According to the National Commission On Sleep Disorders Research, around 38,000 deaths occur on a yearly basis related ot cardiovascular problems caused by sleep apnea, insomnia or both. A sleep disorder center can assist you with migraine headache treatment or obstructive sleep apnea, offering you technology, therapy and advice on how to reduce your symptoms and increase your restful nights. Consider looking into sleep apnea treatment today and get the sleep you deserve.

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