Wellness. It’s a popular buzzword, but what does it mean? In essence, wellness is the opposite of illness; wellness programs emphasize the prevention of disease and poor health. The illness-based model of health care focuses on treatment of illness instead of preventing its onset.
A well-rounded wellness program focuses on the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. Instead of focusing on individual symptoms and systems per the illness model, the wellness model see individuals from a holistic standpoint: all of their physical systems and emotional/spiritual components are interconnected and work together. What should your wellness program include. Here’s a look at the key components of a good wellness program.
Caring for your body includes a healthy diet, a regular exercise program, plenty of rest, and prompt attention to any signs of illness. Factors such as alcohol use and smoking can impact how you feel on a day-to-day basis, so it’s important to practice moderation or eliminate alcohol use and smoking altogether. If you’re overweight, your health care practitioner can help you design a weight loss program that will help you achieve your weight loss goals.
A good personal development plan will help you regulate your mood and develop resilience and a healthier outlook. Some wellness centers offer counseling services as part of their program, while others include personal growth and human potential work as part of their program. Stress reduction is a key component to any wellness program, and a key component to long-term good health.
The harmful effects of long-term stress can include hypertension(high blood pressure), depression, anxiety, chest discomfort, and increased alcohol and tobacco use. Sources of stress can include work-related issues, parenting concerns, relationship changes, or finances. The American Psychological Association reported financial concerns was the leading cause of stress in 2017.
If you experience any symptoms such as dizziness, chest discomfort or pain, seek medical attention right away to rule out an underlying physical cause for your symptoms. Once your healthcare practitioner has ruled a physical cause for your symptoms, you can begin to learn stress reductions tactics either from a professional such as a counselor or therapist, or through a class or workshop. Yoga has become a staple for stressed-out Americans seeking a way to relax and recharge.
Wellness extends beyond good physical health and stress reduction. Caring for the spiritual aspect of yourself is one of the cornerstones of a good wellness program. Spiritual practices can include religious observations, spending time in the outdoors, connecting with others, spending time with loved ones and pets, or simply watching a sunset or sunrise. Essentially, any activity that promotes a sense of peace and well-being will nourish your spirit as well as your body.
A good wellness program will nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Factors such as nutrition, adequate rest, regular exercise, stress reduction are the cornerstones to a wellness program that will help you stay healthy in the years to come.