The human skeleton is geared for a lifetime of upright walking, and this is the result of natural adaptation to a lifetime of hunting game in primitive times. The modern skeleton has an S-shaped spine, an upright pelvis, long legs, and arched feet, all adapted for bipedal locomotion. This gave our early ancestors many advantages, although a lifetime of walking like that can lead to wear and tear on the body. Few other species suffer back pain the human beings do, since the upright spine and back muscles must contend with gravity quite acutely. Studies show that many Americans suffer from back pain every single day, and fortunately, the healthcare system is ready for it. The most serious back injury cases call for surgery, but most other cases of spinal distress only require non invasive methods. These rehab tools and systems may include manual muscle testing devices, chiropractic adjusting tools, and other functional assessment tools that a doctor or therapist may use.
Why Back Pain Happens
Many studies are done to track the current state of American public health, and the numbers show that chronic back pain is among the most common medical afflictions out there. In fact, it is the second most common reason Americans see their doctor, behind only upper respiratory issues. At any given time, around 31 million Americans suffer from chronic back pain and spinal distress, and nearly 50% of working class Americans admit to having back pain symptoms every year. One in three women and one in four men may experience back issues, and experts say that around 80% of the American population will experience back issues at some point in their lives.
What are some of the most common causes of all this pain? Often, a sports injury or other trauma will distress the victim’s spine, back muscles, and other joints, which may require a hospital stay (complete with therapy and manual muscle testing devices). Other surveyed Americans blame years of ongoing stress for their back pain issues, and a pregnant woman may suffer from spinal pain in later stages of her pregnancy. Years of hard manual labor may also result in back pain, due to the physical stress of such jobs. Old age is yet another common cause of back issues, since many decades of upright walking takes a toll on the spine. The spinal cord will start to collapse on itself, and that will inflame the joints and pinch nerves, not to mention reduce mobility and strain the back muscles. Fortunately, manual muscle testing devices and other physical therapy tools can help nearly any patient recover and restore their mobility.
Non Invasive Treatments
Unless a back pain patient will need surgery, they can turn to non invasive medical treatment for their back muscles and spine. Most often, these people will visit their doctor, who in turn may refer them to a specialist, such as a chiropractor or even a yoga expert. A chiropractor is a doctor who can use basic adjustment tools and even their bare hands to readjust the patient’s muscles and bones. Doing this will relieve pressure on joints and nerves, as well as clear up pain and restore the patient’s flexibility and arcs of motion. The patient may get a similar result if they sign up for private yoga sessions with an expert, and perform poses, bends, and stretches to loosen up the body. That can clear up pain and restore flexibility over the course of several yoga sessions
A patient in a hospital may have troubles with their spine and other joints, so they can undergo physical therapy (PT) with a therapist. This can help a patient restore their balance, strength, mobility, and more, and allow them to resume walking or performing other motions. The therapist can measure the patient’s progress with manual muscle testing devices, for example, and ask the patient to stretch an elastic band as far as they can. That may show the extent of the patient’s strength and arcs of motion, not to mention their pain threshold. Motion capture cameras may also track the patient’s movement as they walk, squat, or perform other motions, allowing a therapist to assess that patient’s progress digitally.