When it comes to dyslexia and ADHD in America, the figures tell quite a tale:
- It is estimated that more than 40 million American adults are dyslexic, but only two million are aware of it.
- One in five children in the United States have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia and ADHD, but 48 percent of parents believe incorrectly that children will outgrow these difficulties.
- An estimated 6.4 million American children aged 4-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD.
- The average age of diagnosis for children with moderate ADHD is seven years.
- Boys are nearly three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD (13.2 percent) than are girls (5.6 percent).
- Anxiety disorders occur in 50 percent of adults with ADHD.
- Adults with ADD are three times more likely to suffer stress, depression or other emotional problems that may cause them to miss work.
Most dyslexics exhibit 10 or so of the following traits and behaviors. Some of these traits and behaviors can vary by the day or even by the minute. When it comes to dyslexia, inconsistency is often the most consistent thing.
General behaviors
- They are labelled as careless, lazy or dumb or seen as not trying hard enough.
- They appear bright and very intelligent, but can’t read, write or spell at their appropriate grade level.
- They have difficulty keeping attention and can be labeled as daydreamers or as hyper.
- They learn best usually through hands-on experience, visual aids and observation.
- Because of their difficulties, those will dyslexia will often have poor self-esteem. They may hide or disguise weaknesses and may become easily frustrated in emotional.
Hearing and Speech
- They have extended hearing, meaning they might hear things no one else does and they may become easily distracted by different sounds.
- They might have difficulty verbalizing their thoughts. They might also struggle to speak larger words, stutter or speak in clipped phrases.
- They usually have a great long-term memory for locations and faces.
- They tend to think with their feelings and through images and have trouble expressing themselves with words and sounds.
Behavior, Development and Health
- When mistakes are made, they might increase as dyslexics feel confused, pressured and stressed.
- They have varying pain tolerance.
- They can have very late or very early in developmental stages such as with talking or walking.
- For one reason or many reasons, those with dyslexia might act up in class, make themselves the center of attention in class or be extremely quiet.
These are just some of the signs that are common among those who suffer from dyslexia. When it comes to testing for dyslexia, a neuropsych evaluation can be very useful. A neuropsych evaluation is an assessment of how a person’s brain functions and ultimately gives helpful information on the functional and structural integrity of a brain.
One neuropsych evaluation that’s available online is the Cognitive Assessment Battery for Dyslexia (CAB-DX). It is one of the leading tools available in terms of neuropsych evaluation and prides itself on quickly being able to detect symptoms and traits associated with dyslexia.
This neuropsych evaluation works for children older than seven and can also be used by teens and adults. While the neuropysch evaluation does cost $50 USD to take, a report is available for download in as soon as 30 minutes.
As previously stated, in many cases dyslexia often goes undiagnosed or is underdiagnosed. While dyslexia is often associated with just reading and writing difficulties, its reach can extend far beyond that to include emotional and behavioral issues. A neuropsychological evaluation (neuropsych evaluation) can help pinpoint the specific issues a person with dyslexia is dealing with and this will help them be able to identify strategies to work on the issues they face.
While a neuropsych evaluation and dyslexia testing can be great tools for those struggling with dyslexia, it’s important to identify signs of dyslexia, ADHD or ADD and get the help you or someone you know may need to cope with and grow from the symptoms may cause.