By the time they reach the age of 35, two-thirds of all men will have visible loss of hair. By age 50, that number rises to 85%. Luckily, there are options for the nearly half of all men who want to keep their hair rather than show their baldness. It is possible to find hair replacement services that will deliver natural results using methods like follicular unit transplantation. As the service becomes more and more common, businesses are operating in areas around the country. In fact, finding businesses offering hair restoration near me or you is easier now than ever before.
Hair restoration is not just for men. Around 21 million women in the United States suffer from hair loss compared to 35 million men. The stigma for women can be even worse, and there should be absolutely no shame in looking for options. By hopping over to your preferred search engine and looking for “hair restoration near me,” you’ll be able to weigh your options and determine the potential cost.
One of the most common forms of hair restoration is follicular unit transplantation. The process consists of taking hair from parts of your scalp where the hair will continue to grow and moving it to an area where it currently isn’t growing. It’s a common and perfectly safe procedure that has helped millions of Americans with self-esteem issues stemming from their hair loss. Hair restoration services are more common than ever and for anyone who might be nervous about undergoing the procedure, know that there’s nothing to worry about! Consult with your doctor about any apprehension or issues you may have.
People lose their hair over time for a variety of reasons. It’s definitely nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s even something you can make your own and rock the look. But there’s also no shame in wanting to preserve your hair. We are fortunate that as technology advances, these procedures have become possible for every day folks like you and I.
Hair restoration is a $4 billion industry that is helping Americans across the country. If you think it may be able to help you, search for “hair restoration near me” and make an appointment to change your life for the better.