If you’re looking for reputable medical care, consider your nearest urgent care location. From the closest urgent care near me to urgent care centers all the way across the country, urgent care clinics are on the rise, and very much so. As a matter of fact, data on the subject (gathered in the year of 2016) even found that there are now well over 7,000 total urgent care centers in this one country alone. And at these urgent care centers are more than 20,000 diligent and dedicated (plus fully educated and licensed) doctors and medical professionals.
Urgent care centers are for many reasons a great place to get needed medical treatment, medical evaluation, or even preventative care. For one thing, they are hugely time effective. Whereas you might end up waiting an hour or even longer should you go to a local emergency room, the average time to wait to be seen by a doctor is only just half of an hour at any given walk in urgent care center. And in more than half of all walk in clinics, the average wait time has even been able to be pared down to a mere 15 minutes, something that is truly quite impressive indeed, to say the very least on the subject.
Of course, the days of the week that your local walk-in clinic is open also makes a difference, something that will be particularly important if your general care doctor’s office does not have weekend hours – or has very limited ones, as is the case in many situations. Fortunately, urgent care treatment will typically be able to be obtained from urgent care locations no matter what day of the week it is. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of all urgent care locations are actually open every single day of the week, including weekends and often even including holidays, to boot. Therefore, you won’t need to waste time in an emergency room in order to get high quality medical care, should you develop a medical concern during a time when your normal doctor’s office is closed.
Fortunately, the average multicare urgent care center is also able to treat a wide array of medical concerns and conditions – though you should of course still go to a hospital should you find yourself facing any life threatening medical emergency. But in most cases – up to 97% of them, as a matter of fact – the typical urgent care center location will easily be able to handle the case. After all, as many as 80% of all urgent care centers can actually both diagnose and treat fractures, saving many a person from a costly and time consuming emergency room trip.
Basic healthcare can also be provided, such as care for the common cold, of which there are at least one billion cases of over the course of a single year. Treatment for the flu can also be offered, ideally preventative treatment. As up to one fifth of the population can come down with the flu during a particularly bad flu season, it is highly recommended for everyone who is able to obtain their flu shot, something that can be offered through just about any urgent care clinic out there. And while getting your flu shot can make you feel a bit under the weather for a day or so, this is certainly the much better option than contracting the flu and possibly developing a life threatening complication from it, something that is certainly all too likely and common (especially for those who are members of an at risk population).
Ultimately, there are a great many reasons to visit your local urgent care center. You can get medical care at a fraction of the cost (in comparison to the typical emergency room, where an average visit will cost at least $1,000) as well as in a fraction of the time. You can also get high quality treatment for a wide array of conditions, something that many people are only just discovering. If you need medical care, a walk-in clinic is often the place to go.